
time in Guessens and space in Manor

Nobody cares for me
But everyone listens to me
Nobody knows me
But everyone teaches me
Nobody wants me
But everyone invites me
Nobody comes to me
But everyone is next to me
Nobody, I will become
But from everyone I will be (12 Sept. 2008)

I lived one day.
I am twenty-four.
half of the day
or two or three d
ays more? To be me.
And also everyone.

no much question today
not that burden feeling as it was
until late night yesterday
now I am not asking
Why and How
I found rest
I found peace
I found future
I found you
I found You but
I think that rather ‘I’ You
gave me Rest Peace Future
and him and also yourself
and of course not that much question
(until the next answer)

The smile of the colours
The smile of the rainbow
The smile of the beauty
And the smile of you

let me go to see
let me go to see the sea side
let me go to see the debts of mountains
let me go to see the edge of my soul
let me go to be for what I have desire.

dead is no more for me is no more for me dead

I am already yestarday
only my paint will remain
I will write tomorrow that
I was sititng in the best seat yestarday.

Rev. 21
I will be there with you my brother
I will be there in joy and gladness
with my saviour with my neighbour
I will be there in joy and gladness
with new clothing with new worship
in whatever’s new I will be there
-I am there in the Lamb’s book of life.

1.God I did a mistake
God I am in error
and this radiating to me
as a sik sunshine

I still remembering
and until dead keaps me
in live always remembers me
to that choice which I made

God when you don’t use our mistkaes
God when you don’t lead us in errrors

2.I saw the church
as a dead dodo
I saw a church
dead as dodo

3.which come first a simple Hungarian poem a napbol csak arnyek van a sotetbol csak semmi mas


i am home

i am home
like a bird
like a child

i am home
with hope
within many
i am home
with faith
within many
i am home
with courage
within many

i am home
like a bird
like a child
i am home



being broken is not easy knowing the whole makes heavy my search tourned into despair the occasional relief is colourless there is no fire which would burn me down there is no power which would lift me up I am in me wihtout mysef I am with me without myself everywhere I am overshadowed by my thoughts everywhere I am overwhelmed by all my sins only a deeper sense of deep with a clearer sense of something my search even more is turning into a real despair the occasional relief is less and less colourless there is no place where I would find peace there is no man who could give me anything me in me just me and me only with a dirty kiss on my lips by the fear I can no longer walk further like that I can no longer live any more like that and I don't want but I don't want now I know only one thing that I don't want to go home as I came here I don't know what is there but I take one step towards it did you meet with Him? did He meet with you? when he came into your despiar and created a window through which you saw the Creator



Valamikor ugy beszeltek, hogy senki nem ertette, mint az egyhazban a magyarnak latinul, vagy mint Galileo a nephez is, vagy mint barbaroknak az etikettrol, vagy mint koltokezdo. De van aki ugy ir hogy mindent tud es az emberek keptelenek ot megerteni. Es van aki csak mond es mond es mond. Hol a hatar a mondhatatlansagban? Keressuk a szopart Szobaban szobraszban Keresem a szopart Egy csokor leanyban Mind mind mind mondanak Valamit arulnak kihordanak Magzatszeru nyavajaktol Elethu emberalakokat szinte Olyakat mint tevehatan pup Vagy akar tehenszarv. Minden egyre megy Minden elre elesebbre Minden ember csorba Megis Minden ember elesebbnek tunik Mint hutobezart vagy fagyasztoba Napsugarak meg a huszaseveimbol, ugyanis azok az igazi fenypermetek. Konzervalt hitem ilyenre menetelnek … A tulcsordult alkotoingerek. Felontott garatokon az eltoromok csiraja Oszinten, engem sem erdekelnenek zagyva egok gondolat megomlesei vagy paplanalattbol lett alomgorbeik se a nyakkendo az ontelt szobokron vagy a vilagtalan vasmarkok levegomegvakarasai Felontott eletoromok a garatokon It szaladt maris szerte a menes Amikor felkarolom a kezdetlegest amit eddig irtam Es feltekeredem vele egy bogba amit eddig leirtam Azonnal nektek mint reszeges ovodas imbolyognak a beturendek Vagy inkabb a szora sem erdemes iras jon le, meg egy halom tetu Gyul fel oroksegnek osztalyterembe hiu olvasogyakorlatnak Mi a hatarod a mondhatosagomban? Kersem.

a szo melege menyei

majdminden leirasom mennyei Addig amig a szavak melegeit el nem fogyasztja mondjuk egy uj nap vagy egy naplopo sokszor a kovetkezo szo es legtobb alaszala vala a mindennapokba de legtobb ott aszalva van a minden porban hatarozatlanul el nem hataroztam meg soha hogy irok vagy ne irjak tortenik velem megha ugy is van s olyan is mint a pohar forro vizzel felmelegiteni a falu-kalyhat nekem ilyen mitugrasz kerdez ram hogy miert csinalsz nekem ilyen gorbek alakitjak a hatat Pupeknal tudom jol neked mas felemas jol tudom neked mas lefelmasz en csak jarnek en csak jarok